04 December, 2013

Early December Update

It's about time for an update I suppose. It's been long enough that it's kind of due.

So much has happened recently. And not completely in order.

A few weeks back we went to visit my parents and were actually able to go on a double date with Jess and Charles. We saw Thor: The Dark World, and then had Denny's for supper. It was really quite nice to hang out with them. I needed it. And Jon even enjoyed it. 

I got Jon to finally sit down and watch Game of Thrones with me. He LOVES it. Granted, he wants to stab all the Lannisters except Tyrion in the eye. Eye stabbing of course being his choice of pain. It's amusing to sit there while he watches the show and asks questions, shouts profanities, or simply looks confused as all get out. He's taken to referring to me as "Moon of My Life" and I've started referring to him as "My Sun and Stars". It's sweet and adorable. 

 Jon and I celebrated our one year anniversary on November 9th. We went out the weekend before to a really nice dinner because we were going to be spending our anniversary weekend in Toledo with my parents. But it was nice. It's really awesome to know that we're in it for the long run. We've hinted at and talked about getting married, what we want wedding-wise, an engagement ring ( black diamond all the way), and the 7000,000 Tons of Metal cruise we want to go on as a honeymoon. We're such dorks, but it suits us.

We saw Slayer the following weekend. 

After Slayer, we went and saw Adam play with Siklid at the Fan Appreciation Night at Headliners. It was a good show overall. But honestly the best band was Siklid, I would have been ok with just seeing them play, but it was a free show, so I can't complain. ^.^ 

I got a new car ( new to me at least). It's all shiny and clean. Jon's jealous about it. We drive the same model, but my car is in better shape and it's black. It's awesome. 


I decorated our Christmas tree finally. I think it looks good, not as good as when mum and I would decorate our tree, but it'll do for now. 

And of course, one very curious cat inside the tree. 

Everyone should have this sort of Christmas spirit. xD 

I had interview with Massage Envy this week. It went well, and from what it looks like I'll be working there for the time being. It's not exactly the massage setting I want, it's not nearly as medical/ therapeutic as I'd like to work with, but for now, it's a job. It'll pay the bills and help me to get my foot in the door with the profession I love so much. 

Other than that, it's pretty much been normal. Nothing much else to report on at the moment. 

28 October, 2013

Updated fun

It's time for an update and other fun stuff. I've become horrible at keeping this blog, but at least I still post now and then. Please note, this is gonna have lots of pics, because I like them. xD

I got all of my stuff together and officiated by the state and I am officially a licensed massage therapist. Heck-yesh! Took way too long to get there, but it feels good.

And the concerts we've been to lately have been utterly awesome. Helloween, Deicide, Obituary, Suspect Earth, Batttlecross. The next one we're going to is Slayer, the weekend after out one year anniversary. That promises to be awesome.


Suspect Earth

I found the library here in Columbus.... it was either the greatest idea ever, or a huge mistake. I've finished so many lately it's not even funny. At least not funny to those who don't read. xD

*A Clash of Kings *Mothman Prophecies *Acheron *Tell My Sons *Enchantments *The Red Tent *The Lost Crown *The Reluctant Empress *The Last Romanov < ----- currently working on this one.

Other than that, Jon and I went to the Columbus Zoo... it was ok.. but it really wasn't much better than the Toledo Zoo... But regardless... yay more pictures.

 And this is the outcome of the zoo... after having Chinese food. Naptime whilst watching Cora..... It is cute though, you have to admit.

I think this is enough for now, hopefully I'll be able to get another semi-decent blog up again and not take a month to do it. 

25 September, 2013

Mothman and updates....

I'm baaaack!  xD

Mothman Festival this year was fantastic. Granted it rained most of the day Saturday, but that didn't stop Jon and I. After about two hours of guest speakers we decided to go for a walk, even if it was raining. It was really sweet actually, Jon kept making sure I wasn't going to step in puddles and such. All gentlemanly. ^-^ We listened to some awesome bands, went for a really nice walk around Point Pleasant just to spend time together and explore, it was quite fun, we ate Mothman burgers ( friggin' delicious by the way) at Harris Steakhouse, explored the TNT bunkers in the middle of the night ( rather creepy, but completely awesome). Overall a fantastic weekend of nerdyness, we even got matching coffee mugs and Mothman Blend coffee from the Silver Bridge Company. Enjoy the slideshow.

Other than that, Jon and I have a few busy weeks ahead of us, this Friday we're watching Cora, Saturday we're supposed to go car shopping after the AA meeting, Sunday evening is Helloween. After that, next Friday is Hatebreed, Saturday is the tattoo party. The following week is Deicide and then the Suspect Earth concert. So much music, so little time. xD But at least we keep busy. We're closing in on our one year anniversary too, excited to celebrate that. We have to think of something fun and special to do. Though, I think Jon has it in his head to go see Slayer the weekend after our anniversary... which would be awesome, mostly because our first date was to a concert. ^-^

Emm, not much else to report on at the moment. Just life stuff I suppose, though I get the feeling that there's going to be a rant coming up soon. Someone has seriously pissed me off once again, and is blaming me for their problems, and that I'm apparently a heartless bitch. But oh well, I'll save that for later.

17 September, 2013

Kitty cuddles, mermaids, and conspiracy theories

I know I said that I'd be away for awhile and that still stands. However, I thought that I'd at least update you... those of you who actually care, where life has me at the moment. It's been a little over a week now since I moved to Columbus. It's going quite well, granted yes, I know it's only in the first few weeks, but I know things are going to be just fine from now on. Things have fallen into place, as they should be. I'm still waiting on my licensure to come through so that I can find a decent job down here. Before I do that, Jon and I need to decide on a car so that I can actually go to work. Right now though, it works for us that I don't have to go into work. It means the things around the house get done. Though he's always telling me thank you for doing the laundry, feeding the cats, making the bed, or doing the dishes... things I don't need to be thanked for. I live here too, I can be helpful in as many ways as possible if I don't have a job right now.

Other than that, I've finally finished God of War III, took a while, but 10 hours to complete it for the first is apparently pretty damn good according to Jon. I'm quite proud of myself for it, I've never finished an actual video game before. xD

Emm... Mothman festival is this weekend. Can we say EXCITED?!?! ^-^ It's going to be a good weekend, and I can't wait. Neither can Jon to be honest. It's something we both really look forward to. Yay for nerdyness! xD

There's more I want to go on about, but my head has started hurting again... so I think it's time to go lay down for a bit and just try to get rid of said headache. Time for the Little Mermaid and kitty cuddles from my babies. ^.^

06 September, 2013

Update, news, move, and life

Well, it's probably time to get this out of the way now, because over the next few weeks I'm seriously not gonna have much time to blog, let alone be on the internet. I'm moving, that is all. I know I said that it would probably be in October, but Jon and I decided that it was time. We were tired of waiting on things my father said he'd have done, and even more tired of him going back on his word.

So basically this is what the move looks like this. *points to pic*
It's about 150 miles or so from Toledo, and my family/ friends, but it's worth it. 
Here's a pic of the new house, sorry about the tree photo-bombing it all. xD 

I know it's been a little while since I did a proper update, and this is my only chance to get a decent one done before the move. And let's be honest, it's not even a decent update either. xD

So if there is silence on this blog for a few days/ weeks... you all understand why. Though I will try to at least put something up in regards to the Mothman Festival like I do every year, but I can't promise anything. I've gotta find a car and find a job, so that's going to occupy most of my time.

So yeah, the move is happening, and it's not that far off now... only a few hours really. Everything is packed up. I realized where my priorities lie in life... I have 5 boxes of books... and only 3 of clothes. That says a lot about my personality. xD

But foe now, I think this is enough. Actually it's more that I'm hungry and want Pita Pit... so I'm gonna go get that and then finish up with a few last minute details.

Love you all. Toodles. xxxx

26 August, 2013

This may have been a mistake...

So I'm at work, and it's pretty much dead. Guess what I get to do? Basically whatever I want as long as I'm still available for calls. Meaning I get paid to sit here, write this blog, answer texts, read, or what have you. Kinda awesome. ^.^ 

Ok, maybe not as awesome at it would seem. It actually gets pretty boring with nothing to really do. I mean the down time is nice, don't get me wrong. But today is Monday, so Keanu isn't here today, it her day off. Translation, I'm here by myself, so I don't have anyone to chit-chat with. Bleh. xD 

Oh, well. It's a paycheck, I'm not going to complain too much about it. Even if info hate this job with a fiery passion, because at least I have one and I don't have to depend on my mother or father to take care of me. It's a nice feeling. 

I'm both looking forward and not looking forward to my paycheck on Friday. I missed a day and half because I was I'll and had no voice. Kinda hard to do phone sales with no voice. But I may have made up for it this past weekend, I had some damn good orders and I make commission rather than hourly. So as long as I make at least what I did last paycheck, I'll be happy. That's enough to put a down payment in a used car if I choose to this month. Or it's enough to rent the moving truck to Columbus. So many choices. 

This hasn't turned into a rambling blog at all. It's wonderful. What else were you expecting from me? Exactly! xD 

On an even more random note, dad got grandma Bond to ride on the motorcycle, it was great. 

She hates the photo, something about she's taken better pics, but we all love it. 

Emm, Jon finally got his new bass. Two very impatient weeks later. It's so pretty. xD 

Hmm, the only other things I can think of to being up would be that I got Keanu to start reading Game of Thrones, and she LOVES it. I feel awesome about that. ^.^;  Other than that, I can't really think of anything else to say right now. Don't be surprised if there are several surveys filled out on my other blog tonight. I still have 4.5 hours of my shift tonight to sit through. 

Love you all, toodles. Xoxox 

18 August, 2013

Why did this end at 92 and not at 100?

1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? I have and would again
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Pffthaha... no.
3. Have you taken someones virginity? Nope
4. Is trust a big issue for you? Sometimes....
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Last weekend... so yeah
6. What are you excited for? Next weekend, Mothman, getting my license
7. What happened tonight? Spent the evening with the family at the park
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Ayup
9. Is confidence cute? Mhm
10. What is the last beverage you had? Dr. Pepper
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Eh... 1
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? I own several actually xD
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Be at work...
14. What are you going to spend money on next? My background check and state board application
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Yep
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Sure
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Jon, Marti, and Jess
18. The last time you felt broken? Meh... the other day
19. Have you had sex today? No T-T
20. Are you starting to realize anything? A few things
21. Are you in a good mood? Yep
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Sure
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? My dad .. no ... my biological father, yes
24. What do you want right this second? Jon
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I'd be utterly heartbroken
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Ayup
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? I could, but it'd take a lot of effort
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Something my mother said about a certain person
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? YESH
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Not everyone
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Good, god, no.
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Ayup
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Ha, no
34. Listening to? The Tudors playing in the background
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? On occasion
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? He's at home
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope, not really
38. Who did you last call? My grandmother
39. Who was the last person you danced with? Jon
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because he was leaving to go back to Columbus without me
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? It's been awhile
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Mhm
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? At times
44. Do you tan in the nude? I don't tan...
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Nope
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? I do every night with Jon. ^.^
47. Who was the last person to call you? I think it was Jon
48. Do you sing in the shower? All the time
49. Do you dance in the car? Mhm
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Many, many times
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? My high school graduation photos in 2009
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Not at all
53. Is Christmas stressful? Yep
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Eat them and make them
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Peach
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Astronaut, nuclear physicist, doctor
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Yep
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? A lot
59. Take a vitamin daily? Used to
60. Wear slippers? Rarely
61. Wear a bath robe? Only after a shower
62. What do you wear to bed? usually a tshirt, or more often, nothing
63. First concert? Eddie Money...
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target
65. Nike or Adidas? Neither
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Fritos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I don't have one
69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Whatever makes him happy, I don't really have a set idea on what he does
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
72. Ever won a spelling bee? Yes
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Mhm
74. What is your favorite book? I love the Game of Thrones series, and so many other, I can't just pick one
75. Do you study better with or without music? With
76. Regularly burn incense? Ayup
77. Ever been in love? Mhm
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Dream Theater, AC/DC, KISS, Abiotic, and soooooo many others
79. What was the last concert you saw? Machine Head, Mastodon, and Rob Zombie
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Either one
81. Tea or coffee? BOTH
82. Favorite type of cookie? Peanut butter, chocolate chip... I don't care, I like cookies
83. Can you swim well? Ayup
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Ayup
85. Are you patient? I can be
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Either one
87. Ever won a contest? Mhm
88. Ever have plastic surgery? No
89. Which are better black or green olives? I like both
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Eh, I don't see any issue with it to be honest.
91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room
92. Do you want to get married? Yes

17 August, 2013

The first date...

Ok, so now that you know how we met and how we got to the point of Jon asking me out. Now I suppose it is time for me to talk about our first date. Which to say the very least was unconventional.

Originally Jon asked me out to a Cannibal Corpse concert, such a romantic first date, right? Well, of course it is. All my favorite love songs are by Cannibal Corpse. xD However, that was not our first date, that was actually our third date.

Now, you're probably asking yourself, "Rachael, you said this was about your first date", and I assure you it is; I'm just getting around the details on how we ended up on the first date that we did end up going on. So instead of Cannibal Corpse being our first date, we ended getting tickets to see Dethklok and a bunch of others.

So after our 2.5 drive from Toledo, we made our way to the LLC for the concert with Jon's band mate Todd, and his wife Theresa. So it was actually a double date. But it was awesome. Loud, full of energy, and just a good time. Not many couples can say that their first date was to a metal concert. What's even more awesome is that we, being the dorks that we are, we more or less slow danced for one entire band set, and held hands throughout the concert.

All in all, the best first date I've ever had... not that the few I had in the past were ever in the running to compare with that. Jon knows me better than anyone else, so it was honestly the perfect date for the two of us. ^.^

16 August, 2013

50, a nice round number...

1: What are you wearing? Jon's ratty Slayer tshirt
2: Ever been in love? Ayup
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? OFC
4: How tall are you? 5"5'
5: How much do you weigh? No comment
6: Any tattoos do you want? A few
7: Any piercings that you want? A few
8: OTP? Does Me and Jon count? xD
9: Favorite Show? I have many, The Tudors, The Borgias, Metalocalypse, Doctor Who
10: Favorite bands?  I can't just pick one
11: Something you miss? Lots of things
12: Favorite song?  I have many
13: How old are you? 22
14: Zodiac sign? Cancer
15: Hair Color? Red
16: Favorite Quote? "All that we see, or seem, is but a dream within a dream" - E.A. Poe
17: Favorite singer? I have many
18: Favorite color? Purple, green, or black
19: Loud music or soft? Both
20: Where do you go when you're sad?  Usually my room
21: How long does it take you to shower? It's usually a 20 min quick shower, or a 40 min long one, no in between really
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Heh, morning... that's when I'm going to bed...
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Nope
24: Turn on? Anything to do with my neck/ shoulders, confidence, and humor
25: Turn off? Cockyness...
26: The reason I joined Tumblr? Because I liked it....
27: Fears? Being alone, not being good enough
28: Last thing that made you cry? A really sweet text from Jon trying to make me feel better after a horrible day/ night
29: Last time you cried? Earlier this week
30: Meaning behind your url? It's pretty self explanatory
31: Last book you read? Mothman Prophecies
32: Last song you listened to? So Close
33: Last show you watched? The Tudors
34: Last person you talked to? Jon
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? We're in a romantic relationship with one another
36: Favorite food? I love sushi, and all kinds of other food
37: Place you want to visit? Provicence Dam
38: Last place you were? Providence Dam
39: Do you have a crush? Mhm
40: Last time you kissed someone? Monday
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? Earlier this week... when my father went off on a tirade
42: What color underwear are you wearing? I'm not xD
43: What color shirt are you wearing? Black
44: What color bottoms are you wearing? Grey
45: Wearing any bracelets? Nope
46: Last sport you played? Em... does going for a walk at the park count? xD
47: Last song you sang? Em... I think it was Bohemian Rhapsody
48: Last prank call you remember doing? It was at work...
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Last weekend with Jon
50: Favorite movie? I have lots of favs, but the one I always revert back to is Alien

How I met him and such...

As a reader of this blog, you already know that Jon and I are dating, and most of you who truly know me, know that we've known one another almost 10 years now. But what only maybe one or two of you knows is how we met. Honestly because I've never really gone into detail about that. Or how we ended up together and how our first date went. So, today, I'm going to tell the story of how we first met and how we got to the first date. Later I'll get to the whole beginning of our courtship, the first date, and such. xD

It was the Fall of 2004, I was at my grandmother's for some family function. I want to say that it was just a random family get together, but I honestly can't remember what we were over there for. But I do remember being in the living room talking with my grandmother and then my grandfather coming in through the front door in his typical boisterous way. Something was different though when he came in the house, there was someone with him. And that someone was Jon. When they'd taken off their coats, my grandfather brought Jon into the living room and introduced us. 

I'll admit it was a little awkward at first, at the time talking to someone 11 years older than I was, tended to be intimidating. But after getting to know him a little better, our conversation became more natural and less awkward. I found myself completely infatuated with him. It was a completely innocent girlish crush, as most girls go through at that age. I didn't think much of it at the time. 

I ended up staying much later than intended that night. Talking with Jon for hours about bands, music, movies, everything under the sun. It was nice to be able to do that with someone. I didn't really have many friends at the time. My mum and dad had only just recently been married and I'd switched schools yet again, so I didn't know anyone where we'd moved to. But like I said, it was really nice to just be able to have someone to talk to, someone to relate to and someone who listened. 

It was a good start to a friendship. And over the next several years, that friendship grew stronger. We talked more, and the attraction was still there, it never diminished. As we talked and spent more time together, even my parents, friends, and family members noticed the attraction. Some even went as far as to say that Jon and I would truly make the perfect couple, even with the age gap. I never really took the time to dwell on that thought, I was always in the frame of mind that I was not an option in his mind, that I was off limits. Which at the time, I can completely understand that thought process. 

A few years went by, and I'd graduated from high school, Jon had recently moved to Columbus for a better job opportunity and such. We didn't see one another as much, but we still talked now and then. It kinda hurt, because I knew at the time, and in the years before that, he'd had a few girlfriends, and I of course being the girl head over heels for him was jealous every time I saw him with them. But that's not important, never really was I suppose. xD 

I guess the point where we really started letting on that there was sexual tension between us was the summer of 2010, we went to the Mothman Festival for the first time. Please note that was not a date, that was supposed to be two friends having a good time at a nerd fest. Which, I won't lie, it was awesome. It was obvious that there was something there as the weekend went on I wasn't allowed to pay for anything, even when I wanted to. Jon insisted on paying for everything. I kinda wish the original blog posts from that weekend were still available and not randomly deleted. But oh well, this is good enough for now. ^.^

A few more years passed, a couple of failed relationships on both of our parts and then the summer of 2012 rolled around. Jon had a few months back just gotten out of a not so good relationship and was steadily getting over it, and I was in the midst of dealing with my own fucked up break up issues, but none of that, I don't care about that anymore. We were helping one another get through those issues of heartache. 

As summer fizzled out, it brought along a nice summer season. We once again went to the Mothman Festival, still only as friends, but even more so than before, there was something there. There were more lingering touches and more serious talks. We told told things that we really hadn't shared with anyone else. I honestly think that this is where the whole idea of us being together started to take shape. 

After the Mothman Festival, we saw Martika when she came to visit for a for a few weeks. And in that weekend we saw her, there were at least six people that asked us if we were dating. At the time we denied it, we were just very close friends, nothing more. But that perpetuated our talking even more which led to Jon asking me on a date only a week later. What makes that even more special to me, is that he actually went to my father and asked for permission to ask me on a date before he came to me. To me, it shows how much he respects me and how much he respects my parents. But that's enough for now. If I keep going, it'll go right into our first date, and that's a story for next time. xD 

07 August, 2013

It's all like a puzzle... a very large, complicated jigsaw puzzle.

It seems like things are finally falling into place more or less for me. I still hate my job, yes I know I haven't been there very long, but I can't stand having to sit in the same spot for eight hours a day, taking phone calls from rather rude people. Not exactly my idea of a fun job. Just a buffer to get from one place to another. Even the Human Resources guy at work knows this, and actually more than appreciates my candor and complete honesty on the subject.

But I did finally get my MBLEX testing set up, took me long enough, I know. That's $195 more than well spent. I'll have enough after my next paycheck to be able to send in my application to the state medical board, and finally be done with all of this. Woot! ^-^

On top of that, Jon and I are considering buying a car. Nothing extravagant, just a little '95 Nissan Sentra. Basically just a car to be able to get me from point a to point b. What's great, is that it has pretty low mileage, it's in great shape and it's relatively cheap too.

With all of this falling in to place, it would mean I'd be able to move by the end of October, which more than suits myself and Jon. This whole compromising with my father over, and over again is seriously starting to piss us both off, for the simple fact that he never keeps his word with any of it. But such is life I suppose.

Oh, oh... on slightly sadder news, my favorite incense shop burnt down. Quite saddening that I was just in there the other day and then coming home one day from the store it was up in flames and billowing black smoke. And Ukazoo, my absolute favorite used book store is closing down. That I think saddens me even more than the incense shop. I adore books, I collect them, I literally devour their words. And now, the one place I could find cheaply priced books is closing it's doors. :/

 I get to spend the day with my brunette partner in crime. It's been over a month since I've seen her, far too long in my opinion. We don't have much planned, just a day of hanging out and such. Much needed at this point. Work is draining me, though it might get better if Keanu gets hired in at the same place. So yay!

And finally, it's just three more days until the Rob Zombie, Machine Head, and Mastodon concert. That promises to be most fun. Plus it's a date night/ weekend for Jon and I, VERY much needed. Granted he was just here last weekend, but I haven't truly seen him since the weekend before my birthday, which really just sucks. But we make due, we always have and always will. It's just who we are. 

02 August, 2013

Yay update.

I love when you get a job, they hire you in as full time, because that's what they need at the time. Then two weeks in, after you get used to the schedule you put yourself on, they call you and say they've dropped your hours from full time (40hrs/ wk) to part time (20hrs/ wk).... and because of that your pay gets dropped from $10/ hr to $8/hr. Utter joy. Can you see the smile on my face as I type this? Yeah, probably not, because I'm not happy about it. Now, when I asked them if the only other shift I could work was available, I of course got the same excuse of they're overstaffed and not hiring for that one either. So I guess now it's work part time and get my massage license. That's the only option. Besides after only two weeks, I quickly decided that I HATE the job I accepted. I hate taking phone calls (upwards of 40 a night) to take orders. I hate lying to people to get them to order things, and overall... I just hate it. It's not for me, but if it's what I have to do for now, so be it.

My car has died, and I'm stuck driving the behemoth of a truck to work now. Please note, it gets horrible gas mileage, and I have to pay for said gas. I'd been warning my father that there was something not quite right with the radiator, that I was using way more coolant than I should have for a year. He kept saying it was fine, that he'd look at it later. Later never came and one day while I was driving to go out for coffee with Keanu my radiator went kaboom, coolant EVERYWHERE! Utter joy. Not. T-T So now, Jon and I are looking for a new to me car, though it's looking like it might be a '95 Nissan Sentra, needs a little body/ cosmetic work, but Jon said ( he went and looked at it, because it's in Columbus and I'm currently not) that is runs beautifully. So here's hoping.

I'm finally getting around to getting my license for massage. I know it's been almost a year, but going to Scotland seriously fucked me over financially. I've been trying to recover ever since. But here goes attempt number three to try and get this license deal out of the way and on to a better career.

But on a random note, I had a woman call in the other night at work, the call lasted almost an hour. The entire time this woman is going off about religion, and how because I don't/ rarely attend church I'm going to hell. That because I'm not married to Jon and I have red hair, I am apparently touched by the devil or something. And of course, because I can't retaliate or hang up on people, I had to sit there for that hour and listen to this woman go on and on. Only good thing about that call is that I ended up with a damn good sale and got her to buy all of the upsells.

Meh, I suppose that is enough for now.  That was fun while it lasted.

Love you all. Toodles. Xxxxxx

01 August, 2013

That wasted a whole 10 mins.. awesome

01: tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now? It was definitely his nerdy, goofy personality, it's so like my own, I just couldn't help it. 

02: what on your body is hurting or bothering you? My shoulders, and my lower back, sitting 8 hrs a day at a computer will do that. 
03: what was your last thought before going to bed last night? How much I love Jon ^/////^
04: what are you listening to? Legend of Zorro playing in the background
05: what’s something you’re not looking forward to? Work
06: where do you think your best friend is right now? Probably cuddled up with her husband
07: have you kissed anybody in the last five days? No. >.<
08: sex on the first date? Nope. 
09: kiss on the first date? Depends on how well the date goes. xD 
10: is there one person you want to be with right now? Emmm....duh... 
11: are you seriously happy with where you are in life? Meh, I can think of a few things that would make me happier, but overall, I'm content. 
12: is there something you would like to say to someone? I can think of a few people I'd like to say a few things to
13: what are three things you did today? slept, talked to Jon, and got sent home from work because they were overstaffed. 
14: would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over? Kinda prefer having people over
15: what is your favorite kind of gum? Cinnamon flavored 
16: are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends? Pffft... no
17: what is on your wrists right now? Nothing
18: ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? YESH.. and happily, I'm with him now ^-^
19: does anyone have strong feelings for you? Jon
20: are you slowly drifting away from someone? Little bit, yeah. :/ 
21: have you ever wasted your time on someone? Haha, yes... 2 yrs of friendship and 8 months of a failed relationship
22: can you do the alphabet in sign language? Ayup
23: how have you felt today? Kinda yucky... 
24: you receive $60 without any reason, what do you spend it on? Books... or music... or a concert. 
25: what is wrong with you right now? I miss Jon, and I honestly hate my job T-T 
26: is there anyone you’re really disappointed in? A few people
27: would you rather have starbucks or jamba juice right now? Either or would be fine
28: why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore? Because he was a spineless coward, who has no respect for women or how others feel
29: how late did you stay up last night and why? 7am, because of my work schedule. 
30: when was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? This afternoon
31: what were you doing an hour ago? Watching a WWII documentary
32: what are you looking forward to in the next month? MOTHMAN FESTIVAL, Helloween, and 10 full days with Jon. ^-^
33: are you wearing jeans right now? Nope. 
34: are you a patient person? I can be... at times
35: do you think you can last in a relationship for three months? I can, and have
36: favorite color? Purple, Green, and Black
37: did you have a dream last night? I'm sure I did... I just don;t remember
38: are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? Shorts
39: if someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be? JON... that is all
40: do you love anyone who is not related to you? Ayup
41: if someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? Sure... but unless it's Jon, I can say that I return the feelings
42: do you like meeting new people? Sure
43: are you afraid of falling in love? Nope
44: ever self-harmed or starved yourself? Nope
45: has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? Mhm 

46: have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? It's a common thing for me to be quite honest. 

09 July, 2013

Another birthday has come and gone.... what fun.

So, today I celebrated my twenty-second birthday. It was nothing extravagant, just an intimate affair at home and then out with a very good friend. I'm past the point of wanting any type of huge party, it's just a birthday.

However, Jess, Charles, and I went out to see Despicable Me 2. It was great, loads of laughs and I got to spend time with my brunette partner in crime. She even got me a hot stone massage kit ( which she really didn't have to, I don't need presents to know I'm loved xP ), which is freaking awesome. Now I just have to teach myself the basics so I can use it on other people. Thankies Jess for a great birthday, I know we didn't get to see one another very long, but it was still great. ^-^

Mum and dad got me an awesome mint chocolate chip ice cream cake ( they remembered my favorite flavor of ice cream ^.^)  and a really pretty Celtic wooden cross. Even put that up on the wall in my bedroom, which is weird to see because just about everything else is off of the walls and boxed up. But oh well, it's gorgeous. 

Only real down fall to my birthday was that I wasn't able to spend any of it with Jon. Granted I did go down this past weekend for his concert and then just to spend time with him and get a bit of work done around the house to make things easier later on with the move. So, in the end totally worth it even if I wasn't able to see him today.

Keanu and I are supposed to go out Friday and either get tattoos or possibly a new piercing for me. That'll be fun, and hopefully it will work out somewhat like we planned.

On top of all that, I have a job interview tomorrow. So here's hoping that goes really well. I need the money, and the benefits. More over, I really just need the money and $10/hr base-rate pay with the possibility of $25/hr and 40 hrs a week... that's damn good money. Plus it only requires me to work one weekend a month, which wonderful to say the least. So wish me luck in the interview. ^.^

08 July, 2013

Well, that was fun....

1-How are you? I feel like death at the moment
2-Post a picture of yourself.  Here ya go
3-Do you ever wish you were someone else? Not really
4-What is your entire name? Rachael Leann Bond
5-How old are you? 21, 22 in about a month
6-Age you get mistaken for: Usually 15-17 ish 
7-Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: Cancer, and YESH
8-What did you do on your last birthday? I went out for a drink and had supper with Asshat ( Kas/ David) 
9-What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? Find a job... that gives me a month
10-What is your hair color? Red
11-Have you ever dyed your hair? Nope
12-What is your eye color? Brown
13-If you could change your eye color, would you? Possibly, but only to green or violet
14-Do you wear contacts/glasses? Glasses on occasion, really should wear them more
15-Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it: I kinda hate my body right now... except my collarbones, neck/ shoulders and my newly found cheekbones, oh and my boobs... otherwise, I am not very comfortable with it. 
16-Have you ever considered plastic surgery? What would you alter about your body? Nope.
17-Say 8 facts about your body: Lots of freckles, it's chubby, small hands and feet, dark blue ring around my irises, 8 piercings, relatively short, I sunburn easily ( Yay gingers!), and I'm relatively flexible. 
18-Do you have any tattoos? No, but I have several planned out. 
19-Do you have any piercings? I have 8
20-Left or right handed? Righty
21-What’s your sexual orientation? Straight
22-Do you drink? Rarely
23-Do you smoke? Never
24-Do you have any pets? Several
25-Where do you work? Unemployed... but I have an interview on Wednesday, wish me luck 
26-Something you are working on right now: Packing/ going thru everything I own
27-Do you have any “rules” about food? Yep, but only those who know me well actually know what they are. 
28-Where are you from? Toledo, Ohio
29-What would you say is your best quality? My kindness, or my sense of humor... Idk 
30-What do you think you’re really good at?If I say nothing, is someone going to smack me?
31-What do you think you’re really bad at? A lot of things
32-What talent do you wish you’d been born with? I really wish I had been even more musically inclined, then maybe I could have had a chance at being a real musician. 
33-Are you a bad person? Meh, so so
34-Are you nice to everyone? I try to be
35-Say 3 facts about your personality: I tend to have no filter, I can be quite shy, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, I can be quite outgoing and open. 
36-Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? I'm sure at this point Asshat has, and possibly a few others. 
37-What is your ideal bed? Why? This  or This ... Because they're pretty, need I say more?
38-Did you wake up cranky? Yesh 
39-Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? Nope. 
40-What do you think about the most? Right now... the move in August and finding a job
41-Share 2 habits: I eat Starburst/ Skittles/ M&Ms in order by color, and my bed always has to be made. 
42-What you want to be when you “get older”? Massage Therapist, Nurse, mother... yeah that about sums it up 
43-What are your career goals? ... See above
44-What is your ideal career?...Again, see above
45-Is your life anything like it was two years ago? Not really. 
46-Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Yep. 
47-Have you ever had an imaginary friend? I'm sure I did when I was really little.
48-Say 10 facts about your room: It's green, it's currently a disaster because I'm going thru stuff for the move, there are LOTS of books in it, it has two windows, no closet to speak of, I painted it all by myself, I have two posters on the wall, it's quite small, I have masks on the walls, and my bed is on raisers. 
49-Do you have any phobias? Not really. 
50-Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? Ayup
51-Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Bees, penicillin, ragweed/ cottonwood.... 
52-Ever broken any bones? Nope
53-Ever come close to death? Not that I know of
54-Things you like and dislike about yourself: The lists of dislike, out weighs the like
55-A random fact about yourself: I was born with only 3 wisdom teeth. 
56-What are three things most people don’t know about you? That I was adopted, 
57-An unknown fact about your life: Why would I tell you something that is unknown to everyone else? xD 
58-Share something about yourself others might think is weird: I have what are known as Celtic feet... which makes it hard to find comfortable shoes, and at times horrible pain in my feet/ toes. Yay genetics! :/ 
59-Five weird things that you like: Sushi, Foreign films, the smell of old books, collecting odd items, and handcuffs.... 
60-Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? I do, and I found this on my own. xD 
61-Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Ofc I do. 
62-Describe yourself in one word/sentence: Spaz
63-A quote you try to live by: Do unto others
64-A famous person you've been compared to: Dead famous people count right? .... These two .... Maria Romanov and Elisabeth 
65-Weird things you do when you’re alone: Sing, talk to myself.... 
66-Something you do without realising: I bite my lip a lot. 
67-5 things you want to change: My weight, where I live, my last name, the economy, my unemployment
68-Someone you’d like to be for a day and why: I kind alike being myself. 
69-Leave me a compliment: You're a nice survey. xD 
70-What is your favorite thing to do? Read, listen to music, spend time with Jon, friends, and family
71-What’s your favorite color? Purple or green
72-What’s your favorite band/singer? I don't have just one
73-What’s your favorite movie?  It'd probably be Alien
74-What are your favorite books? Take a look at the list on my profile for an idea, I don't have just one
75-What is your favorite quote and why? All that we see, or seem; is but a dream within a dream -E.A.P. or 
 Give me sweet lies and keep your bitter truths- Tyrion Lannister - A Storm of Swords

76-What is your favorite word? Tbh, it's probably fuck.... at least use-wise
77-What is your least favorite word? I really don't like the word c*nt and not a fan of can't 
78-What is your favorite type of food? I'm a big girl, I like food, period. xD 
79-You favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip, or Buckeye Blast
80-What’s your favorite animal? Lion, Dove, Llama... and for no real reason Moose
81-Dogs or cats? Cats
82-Describe your favourite texture: Leather, or lace... 
83-What is your favorite flower? Peach roses, Lily of the Valley, Daffodils, Canna Lilies, and a few others. 
84-What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex? Sandalwood or Opium..... I dunno, whatever it is Jon smells like. Anyone else of the oppostire sex can wear whatever the feck they want. 
85-What is your favorite season? Autumn
86-What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? England/ Scotland ( And actually have a good time), Russia, Austria/ Hungary, India, and Ireland
87-What are four things you can’t live without and why? Jon, my sisters, my family, and books
88-Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? I dunno... you tell me. 
89-What’s your favorite television show? Right now it's Game of Thrones, The Borgias, Once Upon a Time... and a few others
90-Favorite place to shop at? Home Depot.... xD  And Meijer. Random I know. 
91-Say 2 facts about your favorite things: He's a ginger too, and wonderful. She's awesome and understanding. Ish fluffeh, that is all. 
~~~~~~~~~~Family, childhood and places
92-Say 4 facts about your parents: It's their second marriage. My mother is a nurse. My father is a veteran. They have no biological children together. 
93-Are you more like your mom or your dad? Kinda a good mix of both. 
94-Do you have any siblings? 3 brothers and several sisters
95-Say 9 facts about your family: It's loud, kinda small, not close right now, spread out, loving, sometimes overbearing, caring, weird, and wonderful. 
96-What’s your relationship like with your family? Tbh, it's not horribly close right now. 
97-Say 7 facts about your childhood: It was abusive up until I reached the age of 12, I lost a lot of important people growing up, I was raised Roman Catholic, I didn't have many friends ( kids were honestly afraid of my red hair), I was adopted, I discovered my love for books at a very young age, and started playing violin. 
98-The best and the worst childhood memories: Family outings... and I'm going to pass on the second part. 
99-Say 6 facts about your home town: It's not huge, kinda clean, lots of parks, Maumee river, Libraries!, and the zoo. 
100-Are you going out of town soon? Perhaps
101-Where would you like to live? Columbus
102-What would your dream house be like? I have no idea, wherever he is suits me 
103-Where would you go on your dream vacation? Anywhere with him 
104-Where you want to be right now? Columbus
105-Top three places to visit: Cedar Point, Mt. Rushmore, The Smithsonian
106-Would you ever smile at a stranger? I do it ALL the time. 
107-Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? I kinda prefer them equally. 
108-Who is someone you never tire of? Jon, Marti, and a select few others. 
109-Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? See above. 
110-Who is your most loyal friend? See above. 
111-Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? See above. 
112-If your best friend died, what would you do? I'd probably die too. :/ 
113-Something you’ve lied about.  Idr... 
114-Have you ever felt replaced? MANY times. 
115-Say 5 facts about your bestfriend(s): He's my boyfriend. I've known her almost as long as I've known Jon. She's smart. And he's a goofy, weirdo with funky hair. xD 
116-The last person you hugged?  Probably my mum or dad
117-Story of your first kiss? It was one of the innocent little pecks, I think it was on the playground or at the park. 
118-Do you like kissing in public? Sure
119-Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yep
120-You have a preference for boys or girls? Sexually...? Men, not boys. 
121-Is the male or female body closest to perfection? They're equally so. 
122-5 things that irritate you about the same sex/opposite sex. I'm not gonna list them....
123-Do you believe in love at first sight? No, tis lust. 
124-Do you believe in soul mates? Yes
125-What is your idea of the perfect date? Anything with Jon suits me just fine. 
126-Based on past relationships or crushes, describe your perfect boyfriend/girlfriend: Jonathan
127-What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Usually their eyes
128-Are looks important in a relationship? I'd be lying if I said no, but for me they're not a huge factor. 
129-What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? I love facial hair, scruffiness in my eyes is down right sexy
130-What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? If both parties are both consenting adults, then I see no issue with it. I mean Jon and I have 11 years between us, if I said anything different, that would make me a hypocrite. 
131-Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? I have and all I'm going to say is NEVER FUCKING AGAIN!  That is all.... worst experience of my life so far to be quite honest. 
132-Five guys/girls whom you find attractive: JonathanGerard Butler, Máté KamarásViggo Mortensen, and Kit Harington
133-Do you have a crush on anyone? Ayup 
134-A description of the girl/boy you like: Tall, goofy, ginger, blue-eyed, bassist, down-right amazing and wonderful. 
135-Say 1 fact about the person your like: He and I have known one another almost 10 years. 
136-If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I would be completely crushed and heartbroken. 
137-When was the last time you told someone you loved them?  Last night before he and I went to bed. 
138-Do you think someone has feelings for you? I know he does.
139-Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? He might be... I dunno 
140-Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? Yesh T-T 
141-Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yep
142-Anyone you’re giving up on? Gave up on him a LONG time ago, and getting there with a few others
143-Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yep
144-Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Kinda... 
145-Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yep
146-Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yeah, and ALL of them ( save for Jon) have done so
147-Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Yesh
148-Is there someone you will never forget? Several for good reasons, and bad. 
149-Say five ways to win your heart: Make me laugh, make me smile, be confident in who you are and what you want, be well versed in both books and music, tell me you love me, and mean it. 
150-What turns you on? Confidence, good sense of humor, general similar likes, a good smile
151-What turns you off? Being overly cocky, or having a complete lack of confidence, being a man whore
152-What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? I'm not telling... >///< 
153-What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? Right now...? It'd probably be when Jon asked me to move in. 
154-What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? I'd eventually like him to ask me to marry him. o/////o 
155-Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? Have you had one written for you? Yes, and not that I know of. 
156-What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? You'd have to ask him... 
157-Are you in love? YESH
158-Are you in a relationship? YESH 
159-If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Em.... everything
160-Are relationships ever worth it? Yes
161-Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? I don't know... and if there is, oh fucking well. 
162-Can you commit to one person? Yep.
163-Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? I can, and have. 
164-Do you ever want to get married? Yes
165-Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? I hope so, hopefully sooner
166-Future names of your children: The only one I really have picked out for sure is Evangeline
167-Do you get jealous easily? I can, yeah. 
168-The last time you felt jealous, and why? A few days ago, it was over a silly concert that someone failed to mention that I was going to when I thought I wasn't 
169-What is your definition of cheating? Any type of straying from your monogamous partner, be it mental, physical or what not.  
170-Have you ever been cheated on? Yeah T-T 
171-Do you forgive betrayal? I try to, however it's never worked.
172-Have you ever cheated on someone? No. 
173-Why did your last relationship fail?  Please don't ask, it's not even worth my time anymore. 
174-Things you want to say to an ex: Pick one ---->  Kinda niceNot so niceDon't right bitter
175-A description of the person you dislike the most: Not so much that I dislike him, more that I'm beyond severely disappointed in him. You can just go look at his Blogger profile if you want. 
176-If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? I would probably accept the apology, it was so long ago it kinda brings back no feelings. 
177-How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Not including Jon, 4 
178-How long was your longest relationship? It was almost 2 yrs... ended because he cheated on me with another girl because I wasn't ready to have sex with him at that point in our relationship and apparently he "needed" to find a way to get it elsewhere.  
179-You’ll love me if… ... I dunno O.o 
180-Share a relationship story: I can't pick just one... not when it comes to stories with Jon. x D
~~~~~~~~~~Music, movies and books
181-How often do you listen to music? As often as possible
182-What kind of music you like? Pretty much everything except rap, dub step, hip hop, and R&B
183-Do you like to dance? When no one is looking, yeah
184-What was the first concert/show you attended? As far as I know it was Eddie Money. The first one that I actually remember Dethklok and a few others
185-Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Ayup ^.^
186-Share a song that takes you to a certain memory in the past: Book of Love T-T  Still find it VERY hard to listen to that song. 
187-A song that’s been stuck in your head: So Close 
188-Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play:

John Petrucci Guitar Solo - Dream Theater

Hacksaw Decapitation - Cannibal Corpse
Broken Pride- Planet 9
I Loved Her First- Heartland
I Hate- Suspect Earth

189-A book you want to read/have recently read: I just finished re-reading Game of Thrones, I'm currently re-reading A Clash of Kings

190-Describe your dream library: This or this xD 
191-Last movie you just watched: Anna and the King
192-Do you like watching what type of movies? I like pretty much all types of movies
~~~~~~~~~~Situations and crazy things
193-You’re in a tattoo parlor about to get inked. What are you getting done? Probably something music, steampunk, or metal related.... I dunno
194-What’s something you can see yourself going to jail for? Indecent exposure
195-If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be? I couldn't choose just one. 
196-You’re given $10,000…under one condition: you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to? Get my parents out of debt, and help the veterans
197-If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Last summer.... and the 8 months previous.... 
198-If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Antimony... simply because next to Arsenic, it's my favorite element.
199-If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? If I HAD to... probably the second half of 2011 leading into 2012.... 
200-You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy? ...*blinks*... I haven't the faintest idea
201-If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like? 
202-What is the first curse word that comes to mind? Fuck
203-What the last party you went to was… and when the next will be… By party, I'm going to say concert and that was Friday.... and either the end of July, or the second weekend in August for sure
204-Halloween costume idea? I really want to go as a pin-up version of Merida
205-How you’d spend ten thousand bucks? Buy a decent car and put the rest towards my student loans
206-Press ctrl+v and post:

207-Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for ten years or someone you hate for a month? Explain why. Someone I love... eventually I'd end up beating the person I hate to a bloody pulp and that would be no good. 
208-5 things within touching distance: My phone, a cup, stack of cds, hair brush, and my keys. 
209-A drunken story: I don't have one... I've never been drunk before. 
210-What are you supposed to be doing right now? Sleeping.... 
211-Currently wanting to see anyone? YESH
212-Why you follow me? I don't follow you... silly survey
213-If you met me what would you do? You're a survey.... 
214-YOU have to leave me a random/ridiculous question:
215-Leave me a cute message: "a cute message"    
~~~~~~~~~~Opinions and beliefs
216-Is the cup half full or half empty for you right now? Half full... 
217-Do you believe in fate/destiny? Yes
218-What you wish for on 11:11? I'm not telling. 
219-Do you consider yourself lucky? What’s your good luck charm? Meh, at times. I don't really have one.
220-Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? Ayup.
221-What is your religion, if any? Agnostic with Catholic tendencies
222-Would you go against your moral code for money? Depends
223-What’s more important to you: strength of the body or strength of the mind? Strength of mind
224-How important you think education is? Very
225-If you were the president, what would you do? Attempt to fix this fucked up mess of a government, society, and country
226-If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? I couldn't pick just one thing
227-Is it the thought that counts? Or is that phrase circumstantial? Depends I suppose
228-If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? As much as I possibly could.... 
229-Which movie character do you most identify with and why?  Eh... Merida... I dunno
