05 May, 2011


I have just realised that it has been forever since I last updated this blog. Fail. *Slaps hand like a scolded child* bad Rachael... teehee. ^-^ But I've been busy with school & stuff at home basically melting down in the last 2 wks. or so. But now that I am on summer break as of Friday until the first week of October, I shall try to post at least once a week on this blog and the other as well. But no promises.

But in the recent weeks/ months I have become quite secluded not that I mind much, there are a select few I keep in touch with (they know who they are) and I'm fine with that. I've switched majors and colleges officially (meaning no more being a number at a giant university, yay!). I think I've read too many books in the past few weeks, the latest being "Lady Chatterley's Lover" (again, tis one of my favs). Sadly I wanted to re-read "The Time Machine" but apparently my copy was destroyed over the winter when we had water damaged *sobs* (gah!!! one of my ABSOLUTE favs!!! >.< )

Also have to wonder how many people actually still read this? I know not many people still update their blogs anymore and I know I’ve become lax in my own blog. So I have to wonder, I’m gonna go with 4, if that. >.< 

And with that I’m gonna go * poof *

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