03 November, 2014

Where did October go?!?! o.o

So, I have been accepted into two schools for nursing. Chamberlain, which was my first choice, and Columbus State Community College. Both good schools, one so much more expensive than the other. Even as an independent student, I'd have to pay over $2000 out of pocket. Give you a hint, I don't make enough to afford that. And of course, the financial aid advisor has continued to try and push me to take out a VERY expensive private loan. Give you a hint, I don't have high enough credit score, nor a co-signer to take out a private loan. So, that's where the other school comes into play. It’s a community college, which there is nothing wrong with, a 2 yr ADN program. After scholarships and grants are accounted for, I’d only need about $1500 covered, and student loans would be more than able to cover that. So, I’m going to a seminar to get the official nursing school application process started, and hopefully, I’ll be able to start there as soon as possible. :)

Hm, I've started the long and arduous journey of looking for a new job. I love what I do, most of the clients, and the people I work with. However, I cannot stand being underpaid, under-appreciated, and working for people that do not care about their clients, or their therapists. The only thing they care about is making money. It's pathetic, and I can't stand it. I need a place that's not so spa-like, not my kind of setting to be quite honest. So, here's hoping I can find something more up my alley soon. ^.^

Other than that, Jon and I got new tattoos the other day. They turned out amazing, as you can see in the pics below. Yay tattoos! xD

And to finish things up here, I shall be seeing my beautiful partner in crime later in the month. It is going to be a glorious 4 day weekend for me. It's going to be awesomely fun. It's been a while since we've truly been able to spend a good length of time together. I miss her desperately, and this is seriously needed. I need a girl's day... several days. xD Shopping and such.  ^.^  

And so, with that lovelies, I bid you adieu. Toodles. :3 

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