16 May, 2011

Lemons, Insomnia, and an EPIC FAIL WHALE ...wait what? o.O

      Ok so I’m apparently just posting whenever I get bored. Not that I mind that, keeps me occupied for a short time, and well you get to sit through my randomness (not that you didn’t do that already if you know me personally).
 Guess who went on a nature walk for Mother’s Day with her mum and was left alone with a camera? *points to self again * … yep, you guessed it, this girl! ^-^ On another note, Yahoo Mobile, is a GIANT FAIL WHALE!! Just thought I’d put that out there and let you all know my feelings on that subject.                                         
      I am however going to rant about one specific thing and that is college textbooks. You pay an ungodly amount for them (like they’re made of gold or something) and then go to sell them back, only to find out that A) they don’t want the book you have anymore or B) your “new” edition when you bought it is now the “old” edition.  Let’s just go with ALL my books except one fell into scenario B.  Pretty sure I spent in the course of 2 yrs at The University of Toledo, almost $1,000 in books alone, and all I got back was a lousy $77.25 …GAH!!! >.< * throws useless chemistry book on floor and stomps on it * 
    And Rach is done now. Buh bye! Xxxxx

07 May, 2011

Run, run away...tis a rant O.e

Ok random rant, because well I feel like it and it’s been way too long since I’ve done one. That and you all love them any way so who cares; if you don’t click away … now. And on to the rant

1.)  If the purple llama starts speaking Spanish you should just run. Don't take the Magic Peanut Butter or the Doom Spoon. (Just word of warning)
2.)  Sanity is entirely based on perspective...
3.)  What tastes like deep fried happiness on a stick? .... Glitter xD

Ok, on to the official rant * flies off couch like a superhero only to fall to the floor * ... that didn’t go quite as planned. >.<  * looks around *  Good no one saw it. Anywho… did you know that the international telephone dialing code for Antarctica is 672? Just thought you should know that, everyone should... could come in handy one day, who knows. Also has anyone ever seen Bismarck the Tango Dancing / Extreme Racing Turtle? * raises hand* I have!! If I just completely lost you, talk to Marti… she might be nice and explain it to you.

Next topic addiction…. * runs and hides from the bottles being thrown* … yes I said addiction. I have one, not gonna admit the others, teehee, just gonna share one; you all should do the same. *thinks before continuing*  Hmmm... perhaps for now we should keep this topic to ourselves and save it for a later discussion.

THE GAME …tis all …. Phahahaha!!!! Sorry had to. ^-^

Here are some random facts, I must share with you all.
1.)    American car horns beep in the tone of F.
2.)    The fist product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.
3.)    The word "nerd" was first coined by Dr. Seuss in "If I Ran the Zoo."
4.)    The bagpipe was originally made from the whole skin of a dead sheep
5.)    Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
6.)    The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
7.)    The largest number of children born to one woman is recorded at 69. From 1725-1765, a Russian peasant woman gave birth to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets.
8.)    If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.

And I shall now cease this madness… but I think these are all quite relevant to life and everyone should know them.  Ok..ok.. I was bored… but you were amused, right… for like 10 seconds? Right? O.o

Also, I don’t want to show off or anything… but I can tie my own shoelaces xD

Is anyone else lost as to where this is going? Because I am and I’m the one writing it. Eep …not good; then again that sounds like a typical Rachael move to me. O.e  [Insert cheesy grin here]  looks around checking to see if there is anyone with a pulse still reading this * Ok, wrapping this up… with ribbons, bows and GLITTER!!!! Bwhahaha!!! You know you love me!

Llama, llama, llama, llama… Duck!!! I win!! Yay!!! XD
Best rant ever! 

Toodles! Xxxxx

05 May, 2011


I have just realised that it has been forever since I last updated this blog. Fail. *Slaps hand like a scolded child* bad Rachael... teehee. ^-^ But I've been busy with school & stuff at home basically melting down in the last 2 wks. or so. But now that I am on summer break as of Friday until the first week of October, I shall try to post at least once a week on this blog and the other as well. But no promises.

But in the recent weeks/ months I have become quite secluded not that I mind much, there are a select few I keep in touch with (they know who they are) and I'm fine with that. I've switched majors and colleges officially (meaning no more being a number at a giant university, yay!). I think I've read too many books in the past few weeks, the latest being "Lady Chatterley's Lover" (again, tis one of my favs). Sadly I wanted to re-read "The Time Machine" but apparently my copy was destroyed over the winter when we had water damaged *sobs* (gah!!! one of my ABSOLUTE favs!!! >.< )

Also have to wonder how many people actually still read this? I know not many people still update their blogs anymore and I know I’ve become lax in my own blog. So I have to wonder, I’m gonna go with 4, if that. >.< 

And with that I’m gonna go * poof *