23 May, 2015

5 months until the wedding.... and a little update

It's been a little while, I know. Work has been crazy, crazy busy since the beginning of the new year, and we haven't seen any sign of it slowing down. Not that I'm complaining, busy nights at work mean bigger paychecks. What with the wedding planning and all, a little extra money here and there is always nice.

We had some set backs with the wedding planning, but in the last couple of days most of them have been smoothed over. Most of them. At one point we had our honeymoon picked out, planned, and paid for... and then we decided it wasn't what we wanted, cancelled it, and started back at square one. Our original honeymoon was a 7-day Caribbean cruise... which would have been awesome, except that we didn't want to spend out honeymoon with 1500+ people. Soooo... we're going on an 8-day self drive tour of Scotland! Since it's our goal to move there in the next few years, we thought it was a great idea for Jon to see/ visit the place we eventually want to call home. Needless to say, we're more excited for the honeymoon than the actual wedding.

Other than that, not much to report. We are going to the Old West End Festival, which is uber exciting. And we plan on going to Cedar Point the weekend of my birthday, hopefully, if all works out as planned. Really looking forward to that, I haven't been to Cedar Point since I graduated high school... so forever ago.

Oh... oh..... Oh! Jess!  I have a secret. A huge secret... like uber huge secret. Like so big, it's ridiculous. However, I can't tell you about it until I see you in person... that's how IMPORTANT it is. O.O

And now, with that I bid you adieu for now. hopefully I can post something later in the week, or next week... maybe.

P.S.  Jess and Marti... you guys need to post more.....

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