22 January, 2016

A LOOOOOOOOOONG overdue update

So it’s been ages since I’ve posted, between a new job, wedding planning, the actual wedding, and the honeymoon… it’s been hectic to say the least.

But, that being said, I got a new job back in June, it’s a million times better than working at Massage Envy. Chiropractor’s office was a great choice and has given me so much insight.

The wedding planning went well overall. Only few mishaps here and there. The wedding itself went wonderfully overall. There are definitely things that I would for sure change if we could do it all over again. The DJ, photographer, and bagpiper ( I’d find a better one) for starters. But here are a few photos. 

Jon, Neeka, and I. So glad she was able to attend. 

As for the honeymoon, it was AMAZING. We went to Scotland. It was glorious. We saw and did so much. Lots of castles, whisky, haggis, and rain. xD And here are some photos from the honeymoon. 

Larry goes to Scotland

Doune Castle

Scott Monument

Heart of Midlothian

St. Andrews


Dunnottar Castle

Selfie at Dunnottar Castle

Culloden Moor

Clava Cairn

Loch Ness


Selfie at Eilean Donan

Another selfie at Eilean Donan

Final sunset of the honeymoon, mountain view included. :) 

We are now officially saving for our next trip to Scotland and plan to move there in the future. But for the time being we are hoping to start a family, and I'm going back to university in the fall. I can't express how excited I am to be going back finally. Not for what I thought I wanted to do, turns out I don't want to be a nurse, the job market is overly flooded right now... and the price for it is ridiculous. I've decided to go back for anthropology and archaeology. I will probably focus on forensic anthropology for the time being. But I'm hoping to take the degree and have it help get us to our goal of Scotland eventually. :) Feel free to follow my blog about the experiences I have while going to school for anthropology.  http://journeyingthroughanthropology.blogspot.com/

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